About myself |
About: Life is what you make it, so why not do what you do best and live it...Music: Pink Floyd, Queen, Nickleback,Soft Rock, Easy Listening, Little bit of country n a little bit of rock n roll and lots more in the middleTV: I like the cop shows, murder and mystery, it's a toss up too as to which one is betterBooks: Steven King, Danielle Steele, Claire Coleman, Bryce Courtney, Steve Martini and a few others... I like my books to chill out and listen to musicSports: I love me footy, I go for the Blues even though I live in Queensland but i think NSW players are better, there aren't many decent QLD teams aroundMovies: Deathproof, Rose Red, Hannibal, Mystic River,Antz, Monsters Inc, Blade, anything that has a good story and you can sink your teeth into... I like a lot of different movies, It's hard to narrow it down to only a fewWhatImInto: BETTY BOOP IS MY HERO... She is awesomeMyBestFeatures: My eyes, personality and my down to earth sense of humor...
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